The Avondale Elementary School District A.C.E. Preschool programs are a place for young children 3-5 years of age to learn and grow in a safe and encouraging setting. Children 3-5 years old not already in kindergarten can enroll in the program. Staff works as a team to guide the development of the children as they learn in an environment of discovery and play. Each program provides quality child development services designed to meet and exceed the individual needs of the children through an effective partnership with the staff, parents/guardians, and school base. Our preschools provide literacy rich, well-balanced academic and play based learning environment, which promotes the physical, social, emotional, and creative development of each child. Offering developmentally appropriate experiences that:
Registration is available to children 3, 4 & 5 years old that are not of school age. After the winter break only 4 & 5 year old children will be allowed to enroll in the program for the remainder of the current year.
Great News!
No Price Increase for the 2025-2026 School Year
We are pleased to announce that there will be no price increase for the 2025-2026 school year. Our commitment remains to providing quality services while keeping it affordable for our families.
You will receive an email confirmation from Eleyo upon acceptance
ACE Department Communication with Families:
Email from ACE secretary: confirmation that registration has been processed and approved but not yet completed
Late May: Welcome Letter sent out
July: Preschool families receive Free & Reduced meal applications (available after 7/1)
Communication will be sent to the email linked to Eleyo account. Please make sure you monitor this account and update if necessary
Payment Process:
Payment Issues: Failed transaction, insufficient funds will trigger an email notification. Please contact ACE secretary if you need additional help with payment process
Returning Families: August tuition will be issued at the end of July and due at the beginning of August
New Families: August tuition is already paid with new registration. September tuition will be invoiced at the end of August and due at the beginning of September